Monday, November 24, 2008

A different joy.

A few Sundays ago our friends S & J sent us a quick email at 8pm. They were spontaneously blowing off work the next day and wanted us to meet them at Post Ranch Inn for lunch.

Post Ranch Inn in Big Sur is one of my all time favorite places on earth. I've never actually stayed there overnight but once upon a time I had an amazing meal there; so memorable in every respect that it put PRI on my favorite list forever. Imagine watching the moon disappear with a whisper into the Pacific Ocean right as someone offers you a champagne truffle... you get the picture.

For various reasons we couldn't join them (Reason #1: Big Sur is a 6 hour drive from LA...we would have to leave for lunch before eating breakfast) but I will never forget their rationale on why we should join them...

Want to join us? It'll take an act of crazy to drive up the coast. But do it. How many times can you do this before a different joy arrives...

A different joy. AKA: baby/ies from Ethiopia. A different joy. I just love that...

Happy Thanksgiving... xoxo-Kat

1 comment:

  1. I love a 'different joy'! I looove the PRI! Our friends got married there and put everyone up for three GLORIOUS days. I have pics if you need a fix. It is heaven on earth, and you should go again soon because no children are allowed. Happy Thanksgiving to you.
